Submit a request for an item or service and track the progress of your request with the Now Mobile app.

Before you begin

Role required: none


  1. In the navigation bar, tap Services.
  2. Browse items and services, or search for an item.
  3. Tap the item or service that you would like to request.
    Note: If configured by your administrator, the related items and articles area provides alternatives and additional information.
  4. Select ORDER NOW.
  5. On the form, fill in the fields.
    Field Description
    Request for Change this field if ordering the item for someone else.
    Delivery Information Confirm the shipping address for the item.
    Special instructions (Optional) Add any special instructions for the item.
  6. Tap CHECKOUT.
    The app displays a confirmation that your request is submitted.
  7. To return to the list of items, tap Close.
  8. In the navigation bar, tap For Me.
  9. To view all your requests, tap My Requests.
  10. To view the status of your request, tap the item that you ordered.
    1. To view information about the request, use the Details tab.
      Note: You can add comments for an open incident.
    2. To view field changes and comments about your request, use the Updates tab.
    3. Tap Plus icon to add comments and work notes, or to attach a file.
    Note: When you add comments for a resolved incident, you can reopen it.

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